December Newsletter 2024
Posted on 11/28/2024


Inclement weather and bus cancellation information reminder

All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC)’s bus information website at  Our school is in the [NORTH] zone. When buses are cancelled, schools remain open for student learning, unless otherwise noted. School staff are expected to plan for such emergencies in order to transition students who are unable to attend due to inclement weather to their online platforms (Google Classroom and/or SCDSBhub [Brightspace by D2L]) and continue with academic programming. It is always a family decision whether or not it is safe for their child(ren) to leave for school under severe weather conditions.


The Consortium and bus operators try to make the decision to cancel school buses before 6 a.m. and make every effort to post announcements before 7 a.m. Inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and buses cancelled in the morning will not run at the end of the day. You can follow the Consortium on Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus for bus cancellations and other information. You can also subscribe to receive bus delay notifications here:

Provide your feedback on the proposed SCDSB 2025-26 school year calendar

The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) invites public school communities to submit input regarding the proposed school year calendar for next year (September 2025 to June 2026).

Provide input by visiting and selecting ‘Elementary’ or ‘Secondary’, then ‘Planning for School’ and ‘School Year Calendar’.


All stakeholders including staff, parents/guardians, students, and members of the school community are invited to provide feedback. The deadline to provide feedback is Jan. 15, 2025, to ensure the SCDSB meets school year calendar development timelines set by the Ministry of Education.


High school information events for Grade 8 students
Is your child starting Grade 9 next year? High school information events will take place in person this winter! Student leaders and staff at the school will give an overview of what’s new and what to expect. Learn about courses offered, as well as information about teams and clubs. Please visit the SCDSB website at to find details on your high school’s info night, and contact the school directly for more information.

Grade 1 French Immersion information
The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) offers French Immersion (FI) at select schools throughout Simcoe County beginning in Grade 1. The goal of the FI program is to enable students to communicate in French with a high level of proficiency, enabling them to function with ease in both French and English. Upon graduation from the program, students will communicate in French with confidence in a wide variety of real-life situations.


The SCDSB board-wide electronic applications for the Grade 1 FI program for all sites will open Monday, Dec. 2 at 9 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13. Entry into the FI program is determined through a digitally randomized lottery system. Visit the SCDSB website to learn more:



Join us! A learning series for parents/guardians with Pine River Institute (PRI)
Mental health and well-being continue to be a key strategic priority within the SCDSB. We are pleased to continue our partnership with the Centre for Family Initiatives at Pine River Institute (CFI@PRI) to provide several curated learning sessions focused on student mental health and well-being to SCDSB families.

There are four webinars planned for parents/guardians and other caregivers during this school year. To join in this learning, please visit the SCDSB website to register:

Emotional development
Dec. 5, 7-8 p.m.
Gain a new perspective on how children maturate and its significance for mental health. Learn how PRI views social and emotional development as crucial to well-being.

 Learn more about PRI by visiting their website at


Subscribe to Kindergarten Connections!

Will your child be turning four in 2025? If so, the SCDSB invites you to subscribe to Kindergarten Connections! This is a monthly enewsletter informing families of everything they need to know about preparing their child for school, as well as registering them for Kindergarten in the SCDSB. To learn more and subscribe, visit the Kindergarten page on the SCDSB website:


Check out the SCDSB News video series
The SCDSB News is a weekly video series highlighting positive events, initiatives, and learning happening within school communities across the SCDSB. Follow the SCDSB on social media to catch all of these weekly episodes, and check out our recent video below featuring Assikinack Public School’s Meet the Families Night!


When community becomes family! This fall, schools across the SCDSB hosted ‘meet the teacher nights’, where students have the exciting opportunity to share their learning space with their families. These events create a strong sense of community and belonging amongst SCDSB families. Watch as we highlight Assikinack Public School’s Meet the Families Night:



How is your infant, toddler, or preschool child developing? 

Is your child meeting their milestones? Age-appropriate speech and language skills are critical to your child’s ability to read, write, and be successful in school as well as to their ability to engage with their peers. Free services are available to support you with your child’s development. Preschool speech and language programs are located across the County of Simcoe. Call 705-739-5696 or 1-800-675-1979 to complete a developmental screen. The earlier we work together the better!

Licensed Winter Break school-age child care programs

Child care programs for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6 are provided by independent, third-party child care operators in some SCDSB schools. To support your child care needs, some operators offer child care on PA days and holidays including over the Winter Break. Registration in advance is required. 

Please contact the child care operator directly to discuss fees and to register. More information and contact numbers can be found by visiting:


School playground structures are closed for the winter
To ensure the safety of all users, playground equipment is closed and off-limits until the protective surfacing is tilled in the spring. This is due to winter hazards, icy equipment, and frozen ground conditions.

Every winter, school playground structures are closed. Students are made aware of this during school hours through announcements and staff reminders during breaks. This may not be well known throughout the community, despite signs indicating that playground structures are a winter hazard and are closed. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) regulations make recommendations for the depth of ground cover required to minimize injuries (e.g., sand, pea gravel, or wood chips). These surfaces cannot be maintained when the ground freezes. Injuries from falling would be more significant on frozen ground. We strongly recommend that you do not allow your children to play on any structures while the ground is frozen.

Winter safety reminder
As winter approaches, we want to ensure the safety of all our students. Please remind your child(ren) to wear appropriate footwear and follow staff instructions to prevent any slips and falls. Additionally, snow and ice should remain on the ground and not be thrown to avoid accidents or injuries. Thank you for helping us keep our school community safe this winter season!

Reminder about sledding safety at school
Student safety is our first priority, and although we do allow soft sleds at our school, we do not allow hard sleds, two-person sleds, or snow racers. We do supervise sledding, and we remind students of safety rules on a regular basis.

We want to inform parents that if students are sledding at school, Ophea recommends that they should wear a properly fitted (as per manufacturer's guidelines) and properly worn CSA-approved hockey helmet or snow sport helmet certified by a recognized safety standards association. If you send a sled and/or helmet to school with your child, you are giving permission for your child to take part in this activity.


Support your child(ren) in learning math
Families looking for ways to support their child(ren) in learning math are invited to try Math at Home. Math at Home is an online resource that is updated monthly with games, problems, and number talk activities that reflect the math your child may be learning at school each month.

In December, activities in school and on Math at Home may include grade-level tasks related to identifying, describing, and creating patterns, identifying pattern rules, and extending patterns. 

Visit to support your child’s math learning at home!

Looking for an engaging online resource to support your child’s learning at home?
TVO Learn is an online digital learning environment that offers comprehensive resources to support learning for elementary (K-8) students. Access free and engaging resources to support your child’s learning. Visit and click on the grade, then select the subject area and language for literacy activities to do with your child.

December cyber awareness topic: Keeping your information private
This month we want to highlight the importance of protecting your personal information online. In our increasingly digital world, it’s crucial to understand how to keep personal data secure. This topic provides practical tips on managing privacy settings, avoiding oversharing on social media, and recognizing the risks of public Wi-Fi.

It’s important to engage in conversations about these topics to ensure everyone understands the significance of online privacy and how to protect it. Open discussions can help reinforce good habits and make sure we are aware of the latest threats and how to avoid them.

Access the ECNO cyber awareness tip sheet for December to stay informed about this month’s theme:

Stay healthy this school year!
Respiratory infections, like a cold or influenza, can spread easily from person to person. These germs can spread quickly when someone coughs or sneezes directly on another person, or when germs land on hard surfaces like doorknobs, desks, and keyboards. These germs can then enter the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. The most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick and stop the spread of germs is wash your hands! Wash with soap and warm running water for at least 15 seconds (or try singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice). If your hands are not visibly dirty you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer for 15 seconds. Also, make sure you and your children are up to date with your immunizations, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home for at least 24 hours if you are sick.

For more tips to keep you and your family healthy this school year, contact Health Connection at 1-

877-721-7520 or visit

Information provided by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions in need of foster homes
Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions is in need of families in our communities to open their homes to children and youth requiring foster homes. By opening your home, you can make a difference in their lives by keeping them close to their family, school, and community. Help us keep kids close to home. If you or someone you know is interested in fostering, please visit or check out a few of our videos to better understand what it takes to become a foster care provider:

Information provided by Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions.